Thursday, February 27, 2014

Midnight mozzies

Recently, I have been bitten a lot on my legs in the night. I told my partner, 'I think we might have bedbugs!' He said it was highly unlikely, as we have a new bed and anyway, he had not been bitten. He said it was probably just mosquitoes. I have been scratching and scratching and he always tells me to stop because I am just making it worse, but it is so itchy! Why do they only pick on me?  My darling says they prefer my blood because his has too much alcohol in it.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Friendly town

I have been living in my new place for a couple of months now. It is a more rural area, like a big country town. I am gradually settling in. One thing I love about living here, is that everyone is so friendly. People often smile and say hello, even though we are strangers. When I am out walking in the mornings, most people passing by, smile and say 'Good morning' to me. It's really nice. This rarely happened in my old dodgy, suburban area.

Injured boy?

My fiancé is an illustrator. One day he was drawing and I came in to see what he was doing. He was drawing some very cute monsters for kids Halloween badges. He showed me some of his pictures. There was a vampire, a ghost and some other creatures. I looked at his last picture of a someone covered in bandages and asked 'What is this one? An injured boy?' He laughed and laughed and told me it that obviously it was a mummy. He said that surely everyone would recognise it at once and know it was a mummy. Later I showed this picture to a girlfriend (also from Japan) and she also asked if it was an injured boy. I said to my fiancé, 'See? I am not alone.'
He couldn't believe it!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Morning Mayhem

I am quite happy to do most housekeeping jobs, but I hate making the bed. My fiancé knows this, and one day he said, whoever gets up last, has to make the bed. He is an early riser and usually gets up first. That's why he said it. So now, we play a kind of game. If he starts to get up and I am awake, I usually grab his arm to stop him and race to get out of bed first. It is just a bit of fun. Actually, he doesn't mind to make the bed at all.

Neighbourly Neko


Sakura has settled in to her new home nicely. In our old place, she seldom went outside and never, ever strayed from my garden. Since we moved here, she has become a big explorer and is much bolder than she used to be. The other day, I looked out of the lounge window and noticed my neighbour patting a cat. I thought it was a bit unusual, because my neighbour owns a dog. When I looked closer, I realised it was my cat, Sakura! I couldn't believe it! Later, my neighbour said to me, 'She is a very friendly cat and often crosses the road to come over and say hello'. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Water resistance

I have been going to water aerobics classes lately with my new friend. At a recent session, the instructor was playing very fast music and exercising to the beat, but I was really struggling to keep up. I thought to myself 'She is forgetting we are in water and we cannot move so quickly as she can'. When I looked around at the other ladies in the pool, they were all smiling and managing to keep up. I guess they were more experienced than me, or was it that maybe their much bigger bodies could cope better with the choppy waves they were creating.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Aussie Chinese restaurant

Recently, I went to a Chinese restaurant in my new town. Being like a kind of large country town, everything is catered to western customers here. There was no chicken feet or anything like that on the menu, just standard things like sweet and sour and lemon chicken. There were not even chopsticks on the table! I was the only Asian person in the restaurant. It was very different to where I used to live in my old, very multicultural town.

Sleep Laughter

My fiancé told me that the other night he woke to the sound of me laughing out loud in my sleep. I have heard of talking in your sleep, even walking in your sleep, but I never heard of anyone laughing in their sleep before.  I wish I could remember my dream.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Kamikaze bird

I was having breakfast the other day, when I was alarmed to hear a bang on the window, right beside me. A bird had flown straight into the window and immediately fell down, stone dead! Sakura and I were both shocked. I called to my fiancée to come. He saw it and said 'Not again!" This has happened several times before. He says that sometimes the birds can not see the glass. They only see the reflection of the sky and trees. We haven't found a solution to this problem yet. kawai sou.

New Lease on Life

Since I moved to my fiancée's place, Sakura-chan has a new lease on life. She has become much more active and genki recently. In my old place, she just slept for most of the day, but now she loves to be outside for a long time, exploring in basking in the heat, especially on really hot days, over 40 degrees. Well, I suppose she is Burmese after all, so it's natural that she would enjoy the hot weather.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cryptic Cricket.

My fiancée loves to watch cricket. He always tells me that it is really interesting and that there are a lot of subtleties involved. To me, it's just boring! I can't believe a game of cricket can last for five days. Soon after I came to Australia, a friend took me to see a game of cricket at the MCG. The first thing I noticed was that a lot of the people around me were not watching the game at all. One guy was reading a book and a lady was knitting. What for they went to the game?


I was waiting at the checkout of a department store in my new town, when a strange sight caught my eye. I saw a man and a woman shopping together, but the man was wearing a woman's dress. He was a big macho looking guy with a moustache and hairy arms, but wearing a ladies summer dress and shoes. Nobody seemed shocked or even surprised. Then I noticed that he was the only one in the shop who was wearing a dress. All the ladies I saw were wearing pants. Attention seeker!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Neko nightmare

Before I moved, I remember I was hanging out some clothes at my old place. Sakura, my cat, followed me outside to enjoy the sunshine. She was lying on the ground, stretched out comfortably, but soon after, her peace was disturbed. I saw two magpies swoop down and attack my poor cat. She ran away. I know that cats usually are the hunters when it comes to birds, but my cat is an old lady now, and no match for the magpies. Now that we have moved, she doesn't seem to be afraid anymore. In fact, she loves being outside more than inside now.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Incorrect assumption

There is a weekly market in the main street of my new town. The have lots of hand made crafts, plants, fruit and vegetables, etc. At one stall, I saw some nice looking strawberries, so I approached to buy some.
The stall owner saw me approaching and greeted me by saying 'nihao' (a greeing in mandarin). He was smiling broadly and was very proudly to show off his language skills. I realise that there are not many Asian people living in this area, but does he think that all Asians come from China? I couldn't be bothered to tell him about myself, so I just smiled and said  'ni hao' back to him. Baka!  

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Furniture Mountain


Since I moved in with my fiancé, we had a lot of leftover furniture, because we had two houses full, and only one smaller house to fit it into. A lot of the stuff things had to be stored under the carport until we could get rid of it all, by selling it or donating it to Vinnies or something like that. My cat, Sakura-chan loves this new mountain of furniture. Sometimes I have searched for her and eventually found her, sleeping high up on the top of the pile. She seems to have become a much more 'genki' and adventurous old lady since we moved here.   

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Poor pigeon

My girlfriend visited recently. She was telling me that she found an injured pigeon near her front door of her place. She suspected that her cat had attacked the poor bird. She felt terrible, so she rang the vet to see if they could help. They apologised, and said they don't treat pigeons. I'm not sure why. Perhaps they consider them to be a kind of pest and not worth saving. It might sound cruel, but I laughed at her story. Gomen. She is very kind hearted, isn't she?