Thursday, January 16, 2014

Contrasting service

Recently, I witnessed some big contrasts in service.
First I went to my local phone shop to enquire about getting a new phone. The girl there gave me a big smile, but her eyes were not smiling. I could see she had one eye on the clock. I didn't realise it was approaching 5.30pm. Closing time! She took some details quickly and hurried me out the door, telling me to come back tomorrow. I turned to ask her a question but she had already disappeared. I guess she had something better to do.

On the way home, I was feeling a bit flat. I felt like I had been escorted out the door by security at that shop. I thought to myself 'I am definitely not buying a new phone from there!' I stopped into a bottle shop to buy some wine. The salesperson was really knowledgeable and helpful and went out of his way to make sure I was looked after. Although I know I can not expect the very high level of service outside of Japan, where the customer is king, but my faith in people was restored.

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